Six pungent episodes from those two pukey pervies Richard Richard and Eddie Hitler - in the complete first series of their hilariously revolting BBC TV programme... Smells: Life is so boring when you can't do 'it'! Even stuffing paper down your trousers doesn't pull the birds when you're a couple of sarcastic smelly gits. But sex spray does. Watch out birds, the love albatrosses are here! Gas: Someone in the street is complaining about the gas and they don't mean Eddie's revival of last night's curry... Contest: Prepare for another dollop of "lifestyles of the sad and desperate" as the two sad gits amuse themselves by watching green flies pop up on the organic beans under the grill. Apocalypse: Richie is cursed by Death in the form of foul-smelling Eddie and has to bargain for his life to save himself from asbestos underpants. Bottoms Up: Richard Richard's gone and convinced himself he's a descendant of the Red Indians with a clan name of "Dances in the Wind". Eddie reckons it's got something to do with the curry... Accident: What a great time everyone's having playing Sardines at Richie's birthday party - or rather they would be if he had any friends!